StructureLite Blox Corner

This StructureLite Blox Corner 1.25″ clear anodized cubed corner junction is used to connect 1.25″ square profile on four sides of the cube via (3) three capstans and (4) four cone [...]

WL 3/64″ Wire Single Gripper

The WL 3/64″ Wire Single Gripper holds material and is mounted to wire by a set screw. The clips swivel to any angle and are locked in place by a set screw. Wire connectors with clips [...]

EZ 1/8″ Wire Terminator

The EZ 1/8″ Wire Terminator (EZ-AWT-125) is a 1/8″ wire terminator for EZ 1/8″ wire bottom mounted turnbuckle assemblies. The EZ 1/8″ Wire Terminator holds wire secure [...]


The WS-ASC is a panel clip that comes in variations to hold from 1/8″ to 1/2″ materials. A nylon tip set screw secures your material in place.

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